Presented by: Beth Goldstein | Babson College

The innovative entrepreneurship curriculum that Babson College (ranked #1 in entrepreneurship) trains K12 educators to deliver is all about how to knock down walls, engage students in social entrepreneurship projects, and do things differently to creative transformative learning experiences.

The pedagogical approach, based on improvement science, was developed Babson College and is now being delivered by K12 schools, in the US and abroad. The program is 100% student-centric and experiential, designed to help middle school and high school students understand what it means to be social entrepreneurs.

The program empowers youth to be co-creators in their learning journey as they discover how they can make positive change in their lives, communities, and the world. Teachers are facilitators in the process as their role is to coach their students who use design-thinking practices based on the science of learning.

Presenters will not only describe how they empower teachers but will also provide participants with a step-by-step guide and tools so they can create experiential, student-centric classrooms. They will coach them how to include student-feedback to ensure students become co-creators and partners in their learning journey.

Target audience

Middle and high school teachers


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